FY24 Microsoft Partner Program Changes

Table of Contents


Microsoft announced a number of changes to its Partner Program in July 2023. We're answering your most common questions about these new FY24 changes and how they will affect your team's success in the Microsoft cloud ecosystem.


1.     Transacting through Azure Marketplace is essential for ISVs.

Having a transactable marketplace offer is table stakes for selling with Microsoft's field sellers


2.    In previous fiscal years, the number of deals registered in Partner Center was the leading indicator of an ISV's commitment to the Microsoft partnership. Although Co-Sell is important, ISV marketplace transactions will be the key indicator going forward.


3.    In previous fiscal years, Microsoft field sellers received accelerated quota retirement when they worked with Top Tier ISVs.

 In FY24, in order for the Microsoft field to be compensated AT ALL, an ISV must have Top Tier designation.

ISVs are now eligible for Top Tier based on the volume and magnitude of deals they transact on Marketplace, with a very high threshold for monetary commitment based Top Tier status. ISVs also need to be IP Co-Sell ready.


4.    You have access to PRACR once you are Top Tier eligible.

What is PRACR? It's an exclusive SaaS joint-sales offering (partner reported) that allows SaaS solutions to retire Microsoft sellers' quota for consumption that would have occurred on a customer's tenant.


5.    Transacting through Microsoft Marketplace allows MACC-eligible ISVs to help customers retire their monetary commitments to Microsoft.

Take advantage of Marketplace to mitigate procurement challenges and gain access to funds set aside by your ideal customers for Microsoft purchases!


·      Get Marketplace Transactable

·      Get IP Co-Sell Ready

·      Get Top Tier Eligible

·      Build your GTM Plan

·      Sell with the Microsoft Field

·      Leverage incentives and benefits



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💲 Apply to work with the team that built Microsoft Pegasus and helped hundreds of ISVs partner successfully with Microsoft.


Contact us to supercharge your Microsoft partnership today and leapfrog the majority of Microsoft's 400,000+ partners!


Juhi Saha
Juhi Saha

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